The Highsteppers Booster Club is a 501c3 organization that promotes school spirit and a closer and collaborative relationship among parents, students and staff. It also provides resources, including adult participation and financial support to support the Highsteppers activities as well as a great drill team experience to the members of the team.
Joining the Booster Club allows you to participate and bond with your daughter in an activity she is interested in. It allows you to meet other parents who understand the benefits and demands of having a daughter in dance.
The funds raised by joining the Booster Club pick up where the school district leaves off in supporting your student in drill team.
The Booster club depends on their members volunteering their time in order to be successful. There are several committees to choose from as well as individual qualities that the booster club benefits from. We need your support! The costs required to run a Booster Association are substantial, but the benefit to our girls is immeasurable. Please support your Highsteppers and her dance team by joining today.
Join the Booster Club to support the Highsteppers for $45 per person OR $55 per family!

Parent Volunteers
Bring 3rd Quarter Snacks - (Football games for 33 people)
Late Night Dads - (Security after Football games at HHS)
Props Coordinator (Carpentry skills to build props)
Spring Show Chairmans - (Green Room, Lobby Decor & Box Office)